AA Premium Miles Released

Fellow Captains,

Today we are thrilled to introduce to you the most sophisticated Rewards System to date within the Virtual Airlines industry.

Say hello to “AA Premium Miles”

A brand-new automated system in which you can gain premium miles (or lose them according to predefined rules) and ultimately use the accumulated miles to access exclusive new modules (like the soon to be released Charter Operations) or spend them to actually purchase real world items.

Highlighted system features:

  • Community Miles – Pilots will receive miles for registering at our VA (500 miles) and miles every day they visit your site and log-in (25 miles).
  • Award Miles – Pilots will receive miles every time an award is issued to them (500 miles).
  • Flight Miles – Pilots will receive miles the following ways:

For every minute they are flying (2 miles x flown minute.

For good landings (500 miles for any landing below -100 FPM)

For bad landings (-250 miles for any landing above -500 FPM)

For landing at the most Northern Airport present in the schedule (PAFA – 1000 miles)

For landing at the most Southern Airport present in the schedule (DIAP – 1000 miles)

For winning a Screenshot Contest (miles decided on a case-by-case basis)

For completing a specific Adventure (miles decided on a case-by-case basis)

For attending a specific Event (miles decided on a case-by-case basis)

For completing specific Training Classes (miles decided on a case-by-case basis)

Miles will also be subtracted following the Flight Log when certain events occur (Stall – Overspeed – etc.). The amount of such deductions is still to be determined but will range between -50 and -150 per event.

  • Clear Dashboard – Pilot will have access to a dedicated page showing a detailed Miles Log, balance, etc. as well as statistics for all VA Pilot roster

Premium Miles Benefits: What can I do with my Premium Miles?

Access to exclusive privileges – After reaching 250.000 Premium miles (or being promoted to Senior Captain) the Pilot will have access to the new upcoming Charter Operations.

Premium Miles Shop – Pilots will have access to a Pilot Shop directly from their Dashboard where to spend their miles on Gift Cards, AA Apparel, Memorabilia, and other exclusive offerings.

We are very excited about this new release and we believe you should be too!!

So without further hesitation feel free to use this link to go directly to your Dashboard and check the Premium Miles you already have been accumulating without even knowing 🙂

AA Premium Miles Dashboard

Alternatively, you can use the link under “Community” > “AA Premium Miles” or the links present in your Dashboard widget.  

Happy tail winds and blue skies to you all!

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