
New Hub Managers

Today is another great day at American Virtual and we are very excited to make this announcement. The management Team…

4 years ago

Winter Edition of Odyssey Released

The latest edition of Odyssey, American Virtual's quarterly magazine has been released. This edition was delayed for several reasons, but…

4 years ago

KPHX vs KPHL Hub Ops Challenge

Time for some friendly competition! KPHL and KPHX is in a race to see who can submit the most reports…

4 years ago

Adventures Deadline

Captains, The Adventures module is due for a serious overall recoding and update. In light of this and because we…

4 years ago

New Year – New Features

Fellow Pilots, Stay tuned and keep an eye on the News in the next few weeks as we are bringing…

4 years ago

Welcome Aboard New Staff

Exciting times continue at American Virtual. I would like to announce the hiring of 3 new individuals who will help…

4 years ago

Open Staff Positions

As the Executive Staff gets more involved in other projects, we are looking for a few dedicated pilots to take…

4 years ago

January Diversity Calendar

We made it to the new year! It's time for the "New Year, New Me" declarations; resolutions and hope for…

4 years ago

Max Landing Rate

To all Pilots: Per the Airline Operations Manual (AOH) section 5.7 - Flight Procedures:Landing rates in excess of -550 feet…

4 years ago

NOTAM: Relaxing Restrictions

American Virtual has been around for 16 years and those who have been around at least 10 years remember having…

4 years ago