Category: Announcement

KPHX vs KPHL Hub Ops Challenge

Time for some friendly competition! KPHL and KPHX is in a race to see who can submit the most reports this month (Feb 2021). Right...

Adventures Deadline

Captains, The Adventures module is due for a serious overall recoding and update. In light of this and because we want to have it done...

New Year – New Features

Fellow Pilots, Stay tuned and keep an eye on the News in the next few weeks as we are bringing you several new features and...

Welcome Aboard New Staff

Exciting times continue at American Virtual. I would like to announce the hiring of 3 new individuals who will help continue the mission of the...

Open Staff Positions

As the Executive Staff gets more involved in other projects, we are looking for a few dedicated pilots to take over the daily responsibilities of...

January Diversity Calendar

We made it to the new year! It’s time for the “New Year, New Me” declarations; resolutions and hope for better than what was last...

Max Landing Rate

To all Pilots: Per the Airline Operations Manual (AOH) section 5.7 – Flight Procedures:Landing rates in excess of -550 feet per minute (FPM) are subject...

NOTAM: Relaxing Restrictions

American Virtual has been around for 16 years and those who have been around at least 10 years remember having to start by flying the...

Happy Thanksgiving

The staff of American Virtual would like to wish all of our American based pilots…...

Hub Transfers

In the latest edition of Odyssey Magazine in the statistics section, it shows our pilot numbers at the hubs are very heavy at KCLT and...