Category: New Release

Regional Schedules – Further Expansion

Fellow Captains, After some discussions and careful consideration, we decided to further expand our current schedules offering to include all the carriers who partner under...

A Brand New Schedule

Dear Pilots, As you may have noticed already, a brand new, fully updated schedule is now available to you. We received and parsed through thousands...

Winter Edition of Odyssey Released

The latest edition of Odyssey, American Virtual’s quarterly magazine has been released. This edition was delayed for several reasons, but it is packed with entertaining...

CharterOPS Launched Today

Dear Pilots, Never a boring day on the horizon, something is always brewing around our beloved VA. Today on the menu is the launch of...

The New News Center

Fellow Pilots, In the spirit of continuing progress and innovation, we have started implementing a whole new, more interactive “News Center“. A sleek, modern interface...

AA Premium Miles Released

Fellow Captains, Today we are thrilled to introduce to you the most sophisticated Rewards System to date within the Virtual Airlines industry. Say hello to “AA...

767 Homage Adventure

Check out the newly released 767 Homage Adventure. New routes added from KJFK, LOWW, and LLBG As always we hope you enjoy and have fun flying...

Odissey Fall Edition

The new edition of American Virtual’s Quarterly Magazine Odyssey for Fall 2020 has been released! In this edition, get the latest news from Real World...

FlightAirMap Released

American Virtual Pilots, You can now access FlightAirMap through the following link on the platform and experience all the new module has to offer. A popup...

Vatsim Interactive Map

Dear Crew Members, Thanks to the kindness of the folks working behind the awesome Vattastic platform, we now have access to all available functions of...