Vote For Our VA!

Hello Crew Members!

In an effort to ramp up applications and add new members to the family, the Public Relations department is working to put our name back in front of people’s faces.

We have listed the airline at The Virtual Airline List which hosts a list of the Virtual Airlines from around the globe combined in one comfortable list. Individuals new to Virtual Airlines and those looking to try out other airlines go there for suggestions.

We imagine the airline at the top of the list, gets the newest members so, in order to get our airline at the top of the list, we have to vote. It’s free to vote and only takes one click.

On your next flight while in cruise mode (no texting and flying), click this link to vote.

There are over 100 of us here, let’s get us to the top of the list! 
You can only vote once a month, at the end of the month the votes are reset and you can vote again.

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